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Advantages and disadvantages of multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher?

Author: Time:2023-11-03

  Advantages: 1. The multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher has some * upgrades and improvements to the traditional spring-type cone crusher, and the structure is reasonable. The equipment uses multi-cylinder hydraulic technology to make the crusher have a larger crushing capacity. While ensuring that the output reaches the standard, the energy consumption is also controlled. It is suitable for a wide range of stones, especially suitable for crushing stones with a hardness of no more than 300Mpa.

  2. The multi-cylinder hydraulic has a special crushing chamber design, which *ly improves the production capacity. The semi-automatic hydraulic adjustment of the discharge port can effectively control the particle size of the stone, so that the finished material can reach the required specifications. Therefore, it is more economical and practical to use.

  3. When manufacturing multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crushers, good crusher manufacturers will use high-strength overall cast casings and have iron protection, which is safe and reliable. No matter how hard the stone is crushed by the equipment, the equipment * is very stable, and long lasting.

  Disadvantages: The multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher uses a labyrinth sealing structure, which can prevent dust. However, if it is a manufacturer with little experience or a manufacturer with poor manufacturing technology, the labyrinth sealing will also allow dust to enter. If you crush stones with a lot of dust, it may make it difficult to adjust the discharge port. So be sure to choose a manufacturer with a good * reputation.

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